Nigeria is not only the most populated country in Africa but it is also the biggest black nation in the world. As large as the population is, it is made up of over 300 tribes scattered across all the states in the country. In this article, you will get to see the complete list of 371 tribes in Nigeria and the different states they originated from. This is one of the facts about Nigeria you can only get right here on Nigerian Fact, so read to the last page and educate yourself more about Nigeria.
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The 371 tribes found in Nigeria are segmented into three major ethnic groups, which are; Hausa-Fulani, Igbo, and Yoruba. They can also be classified as the three major tribes in Nigeria. Let me give you an overview of each one of them.
Major Tribes in Nigeria
Like you already know, there are 371 tribes in Nigeria and among the largest include; Hausa-Fulani, Igbo, Yoruba, Ijaw, Kanuri, Annang, Tiv, Ibibio, Etsako, and Efik. Other Nigerian tribes apart from the ones mentioned constitute a smaller percentage of the total number or people from all the tribes in Nigeria. You should also note that Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba make up to 70% of the totoal population in Nigeria. These different Nigerian tribes have diverse cultures practiced by their people thereby contributing to the immense cultural diversity seen in the country.
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Let me enlighten you more about the 3 major tribes – Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba.
Hausa Tribe
Hausa for sure is the largest tribe in Nigeria constituting about 29% of Nigeria’s total population. They live in the northern part of NIgeria, Southern parts of Niger and west end of Chad Republic. They mostly occupy the towns and villages in Northern parts of the country which includes: Kano, Kaduna, Biram, Jos, Lafia, Katsina, Abuja, Sokoto, Bauchi, BirninKebbi, Damaturu, Dutse, Gombe, Suleja, Gusau, Jalingo, Jebba, Jos, Lafia, Maiduguri, Makurdi, Yola, Zaria, etc.
No two tribes in Nigeria have exactly the same language but the Hausa language originated and forms part of the Chadic family of Languages which is similar but distantly related to Hebrew and Arabic. In recent times, because of the close similarities between the cultures and lifestyle of Hausa and Fulani, they are often regarded as Hausa-Fulani.
Igbo Tribe
Igbo is also one of the major tribes in Nigeria with an appreciable number of people owing their origin to the Igbo tribe. Historically, they were from the Nri Kingdom, which happens to be the oldest Kingdom in Nigeria. The Igbos are industrious people and they made bronze ceremonial vessels as part of the culture and heritage dated back to the stone age. Geographically, the Igbo land occupies most of South Eastern Nigeria and some of the major cities include Enugu, Onitsha, Owerri, Asaba, Awka, Abakiliki, Abia, Orlu, etc.
Yoruba Tribe
The Yoruba tribe constitute up to 21 % of the total population of Nigeria and this translates to about 40 million people. They inhabit the south-western part of the country but also live in other countries in West Africa including Benin, Ghana, Togo and surprisingly, the Caribbean. They are well involved in arts and have a long history of poetry. Between 1100AD to 1700AD, they made impressive bronze sculptures, most of which were made to represent the heads of gods and rulers. They also made lots of beadwork, metalwork, weaving and mask making.
Also read: Map of Nigeria Showing Details of the 36 States and FCT
Now you have known some facts about the three major tribes in Nigeria let me introduce you to the complete 371 tribes and the states they originated from.
Complete List of 371 Tribes in Nigeria and the States They Originated From
Below is the comprehensive list of all Nigerian tribes and their states of origin.
- Abayon Cross River
- Abua (Odual) Rivers
- Achipa (Achipawa) Kebbi
- Adim Cross River
- Adun Cross River
- AffadeYobe
- Afizere Plateau
- Afo Plateau
- Agbo Cross River
- Akaju-Ndem (Akajuk) Cross River
- Akweya-Yachi Benue
- Alago (Arago) nasarawa
- Amo Plateau
- Anaguta Plateau
- AnangAkwalbom
- AndoniAkwalbom, Rivers
- Angas Bauchi, Jigawa, Plateau
- Ankwei Plateau
- Anyima Cross River
- Attakar (ataka) Kaduna
- Auyoka (Auyokawa) Jigawa
- Awori Lagos, Ogun
- Ayu Kaduna
- Babur Adamawa, Bomo, Taraba, Yobe
- Bachama Adamawa
- Bachere Cross River
- Bada Plateau
- Bade Yobe
- Bahumono Cross River
- Bakulung Taraba
- Bali Taraba
- Bambora (Bambarawa) Bauchi
- Bambuko Taraba
- Banda (Bandawa) Taraba
- Banka (Bankalawa) Bauchi
- Banso (Panso) Adamawa
- Bara (Barawa) Bauchi
- Barke Bauchi
- Baruba (Barba) Niger
- Bashiri (Bashirawa) Plateau
- Bassa Kaduna, Kogi, Niger, Plateau
- Batta Adamawa
- Baushi Niger
- Baya Adamawa
- Bekwarra Cross River
- Bele (Buli, Belewa) Bauchi
- Betso (Bete) Taraba
- Bette Cross River
- Bilei Adamawa
- Bille Adamawa
- Bina (Binawa) Kaduna
- Bini Edo
- Birom Plateau
- Bobua Taraba
- Boki (Nki) Cross River
- Bkkos Plateau
- Boko (Bussawa, Bargawa) Niger
- Bole (Bolewa) Bauchi, Yobe
- Botlere Adamawa
- Boma (Bomawa, Burmano) Bauchi
- Bomboro Bauchi
- BudumaBorno, Niger
- Buji Plateau
- Buli Bauchi
- BunuKogi
- Bura Adamawa
- Burak Bauchi
- Burma (Burmawa) Plateau
- Buru Yobe
- Buta (Butawa) Bauchi
- Bwall Plateau
- Bwatiye Adamawa
- Bwazza Adamawa
- Challa Plateau
- Chama (ChamawaFitilai) Bauchi
- Chamba Taraba
- Chamo Bauchi
- Chibok (Chibbak) Yobe
- ChinineBorno
- Chip Plateau
- Chokobo Plateau
- Chukkol Taraba
- Daba Adamawa
- Dadiya Bauchi
- Daka Adamawa
- Dakarkari Niger, Kebbi
- Danda (Dandawa) Kebbi
- Dangsa Taraba
- Daza (Dere, Derewa) Bauchi
- Degema Rivers
- Deno (Denawa) Bauchi
- DghwedeBomo
- Diba Taraba
- Doemak (Dumuk) Plateau
- Ouguri Bauchi
- Duka (Dukawa) Kebbi
- Duma (Dumawa) Bauchi
- Ebana (Ebani) Rivers
- Ebirra (lgbirra) Edo, Kogi,FCT,NasarawaBorno,Ondo
- Ebu Edo, Kogi
- Efik Cross River
- Egbema Rivers
- Egede (lgedde) Benue
- Eggon Plateau
- Egun (Gu) Lagos,Ogun
- Ejagham Cross River
- Ekajuk Cross River
- EketAkwaIbom
- Ekoi Cross River
- Engenni (Ngene) Rivers
- Epie Rivers
- Esan (Ishan) Edo
- Etche Rivers
- Etolu (Etilo) Benue
- Etsako Edo
- Etung Cross River
- Etuno Edo
- Falli Adamawa
- Fulani (Pulbe) Bauchi, Borno, Jigawa , Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi , Niger, Sokoto, Taraba, Yobe, etc.
- Fyam (Fyem) Plateau
- Fyer(Fer) Plateau
- Ga’anda Adamawa
- Gade Niger
- Galambi Bauchi
- Gamergu-MulgwaBomo
- Qanawuri Plateau
- GavakoBorno
- GbeddeKogi
- Gengle Taraba
- Geji Bauchi
- Gera (Gere, Gerawa) Bauchi
- Geruma (Gerumawa) Plateau
- Geruma (Gerumawa) Bauchi
- Gingwak Bauchi
- Gira Adamawa
- Gizigz Adamawa
- Goernai Plateau
- Gokana (Kana) Rivers
- Gombi Adamawa
- Gornun (Gmun) Taraba
- Gonia Taraba
- Gubi (Gubawa) Bauchi
- Gude Adamawa
- Gudu Adamawa
- Gure Kaduna
- Gurmana Niger
- Gururntum Bauchi
- Gusu Plateau
- Gwa (Gurawa) Adamawa
- Gwamba Adamawa
- Gwandara Kaduna, Niger, Plateau
- Gwari (Gbari) Kaduna, Niger, Plateau
- Gwom Taraba
- Gwoza (Waha) Bomo
- Gyem Bauchi
- Hausa: Bauchi, Borno, Jigawa, Kaduna,Kano, Kastina, Kebbi, Niger,Taraba, Sokoto, etc
- Higi (Hig) Borno, Adamawa
- Holma Adamawa
- Hona Adamawa
- Ibeno Akwalbom
- Ibibio Akwalbom
- Ichen Adamawa
- Idoma Benue, Taraba
- Igalla Kogi
- lgbo: Abia, Anambra, Benue, Delta, Ebonyi,Enugu, Imo, Rivers
- ljumuKogi
- Ikorn Cross River
- Irigwe Plateau
- Isoko Delta
- lsekiri (Itsekiri) Delta
- lyala (lyalla) Cross River
- lzondjo) Bayelsa, Delta, Ondo, Rivers
- Jaba Kaduna
- Jahuna (Jahunawa) Taraba
- Jaku Bauchi
- Jara (JaarJarawaJarawa-Dutse) Bauchi
- Jere (Jare, Jera, Jera, Jerawa) Bauchi, Plateau
- Jero Taraba
- Jibu Adamawa
- Jidda-Abu Plateau
- Jimbin (Jimbinawa) Bauchi
- Jirai Adamawa
- Jonjo (Jenjo) Taraba
- Jukun Bauchi, Benue,Taraba, Plateau
- Kaba(Kabawa) Taraba
- Kadara Taraba
- Kafanchan Kaduna
- Kagoro Kaduna
- Kaje (Kache) Kaduna
- Kajuru (Kajurawa) Kaduna
- Kaka Adamawa
- Kamaku (Karnukawa) Kaduna, Kebbi, Niger
- KambariKebbi, Niger
- Kambu Adamawa
- Kamo Bauchi
- Kanakuru (Dera) Adamawa, Borno
- KanembuBomo
- Kanikon Kaduna
- Kantana Plateau
- Kanufi Kaduna, Adamawa, Bomo, Kano, Niger, Jigawa, Plateau, Taraba, Yobe
- Karekare (Karaikarai) Bauchi, Yobe
- Karimjo Taraba
- Kariya Bauchi
- Katab (Kataf) Kaduna
- Kenern (Koenoem) Plateau
- Kenton Taraba
- Kiballo (Kiwollo) Kaduna
- Kilba Adamawa
- Kirfi (Kirfawa) Bauchi
- Koma Taraba
- Kona Taraba
- Koro (Kwaro) Kaduna, Niger
- Kubi (Kubawa) Bauchi
- Kudachano (Kudawa) Bauchi
- Kugama Taraba
- Kulere (Kaler) Plateau
- Kunini Taraba
- KuramaJigawa, Kaduna, Niger, Plateau
- Kurdul Adamawa
- Kushi Bauchi
- Kuteb Taraba
- Kutin Taraba
- Kwalla Plateau
- Kwami (Kwom) Bauchi
- Kwanchi Taraba
- Kwanka (Kwankwa) Bauchi, Plateau
- Kwaro Plateau
- Kwato Plateau
- Kyenga (Kengawa) Sokoto
- Laaru (Larawa) Niger
- Lakka Adamawa
- Lala Adamawa
- Lama Taraba
- Lamja Taraba
- Lau Taraba
- Ubbo Adamawa
- Limono Bauchi, Plateau
- Lopa (Lupa, Lopawa) Niger
- Longuda (Lunguda) Adamawa, Bauchi
- Mabo Plateau
- Mada Kaduna, Plateau
- Mama Plateau
- Mambilla Adamawa
- Manchok Kaduna
- Mandara (Wandala) Bomo
- Manga (Mangawa) Yobe
- Margi (Marghi) Adamawa, Bomo
- Matakarn Adamawa
- Mbembe Cross River, Enugu
- Mbol Adamawa
- Mbube Cross River
- Mbula Adamawa
- Mbum Taraba
- Memyang (Meryan) Plateau
- Miango Plateau
- Miligili (Migili) Plateau
- Miya (Miyawa) Bauchi
- MobberBomo
- Montol Plateau
- Moruwa (Moro’a, Morwa) Kaduna
- Muchaila Adamawa
- Mumuye Taraba
- Mundang Adamawa
- Munga (Mupang) Plateau
- Mushere Plateau
- Mwahavul (Mwaghavul) Plateau
- Ndoro Taraba
- Ngamo Bauchi, Yobe
- NgizimYobe
- Ngweshe (Ndhang.Ngoshe-Ndhang) Adamawa, Borno
- Ningi (Ningawa) Bauchi
- Ninzam (Ninzo) Kaduna, Plateau
- Njayi Adamawa
- Nkim Cross River
- Nkum Cross River
- Nokere (Nakere) Plateau
- Nunku Kaduna, Plateau
- Nupe Niger
- Nyandang Taraba
- Ododop Cross River
- OgoriKwara
- Okobo (Okkobor) Akwalbom
- Okpamheri Edo
- Olulumo Cross River
- OronAkwalbom
- Owan Edo
- Owe Kwara
- OworoKwara
- Pa’a (Pa’awaAfawa) Bauchi
- Pai Plateau
- Panyam Taraba
- Pero Bauchi
- Pire Adamawa
- Pkanzom Taraba
- Poll Taraba
- PolchiHabe Bauchi
- Pongo (Pongu) Niger
- Potopo Taraba
- Pyapun (Piapung) Plateau
- Qua Cross River
- Rebina (Rebinawa) Bauchi
- ResheKebbi, Niger
- Rindire (Rendre) Plateau
- Rishuwa Kaduna
- Ron Piateau
- Rubu Niger
- Rukuba Plateau
- Rumada Kaduna
- Rumaya Kaduna
- Sakbe Taraba
- Sanga Bauchi
- Sate Taraba
- Saya (SayawaZa’ar) Bauchi
- Segidi (Sigidawa) Bauchi
- Shanga (Shangawa) Sokoto
- Shangawa (Shangau) Plateau
- Shan-Shan Plateau
- Shira (Shirawa) Kano
- Shomo Taraba
- Shuwa Adamawa, Borno
- Sikdi Plateau
- Siri (Sirawa) Bauchi
- Srubu (Surubu) Kaduna
- Sukur Adamawa
- Sura Plateau
- Tangale Bauchi
- Tarok Plateau, Taraba
- Teme Adamawa
- Tera (Terawa) Bauchi, Bomo
- Teshena (Teshenawa) Kano
- Tigon Adamawa
- Tikar Taraba
- Tiv Benue, Plateau, Taraba and Nasarawa
- Tula Bauchi
- Tur Adamawa
- Ufia Benue
- Ukelle Cross River
- Ukwani (Kwale) Delta
- Uncinda Kaduna, Kebbi, Niger, Sokoto
- Uneme (Ineme) Edo
- Ura (Ula) Niger
- Urhobo Delta
- Utonkong Benue
- Uyanga Cross River
- Vemgo Adamawa
- Verre Adamawa
- Vommi Taraba
- Wagga Adamawa
- Waja Bauchi
- Waka Taraba
- Warja (Warja) Jigawa
- Warji Bauchi
- Wula Adamawa
- Wurbo Adamawa
- Wurkun Taraba
- Yache Cross River
- YagbaKwara
- Yakurr (Yako) Cross River
- Yalla Benue
- Yandang Taraba
- Yergan (Yergum) Plateau
- Yoruba Kwara, Lagos, Ogun, Ondo, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, Kogi
- Yott Taraba
- Yumu Niger
- Yungur Adamawa
- Yuom Plateau
- Zabara Niger
- Zaranda Bauchi
- Zarma (Zarmawa) Kebbi
- Zayam (Zeam) Bauchi
- Zul (Zulawa) Bauchi
That sums up the total 371 tribes in Nigeria and the states they are found. If you find this article educative enough, kindly use the social share buttons found on this page to share it with your friends and families on various social media platform. Also subscribe to our email list to get more facts about Nigeria delivered directly into your email.
2 years agowhen will Nigeria conduct a credible sensor that will tell the actual figure of tribes and their numbers. because the three tribes refer to as major cannot make up 70% of the population.
Chibuzor Aguwa
2 years agoLet us wait till they do. But I guess you actually meant to write “census”.
2 years agodie