Bishop Dr. Emeka Michael Nwankpa has reminded Abia Electorates of the need to go for only leaders who have good capabilities to manage humans and scarce resources of the state as only such men can turn around her condition from wasteful years of unprogressive existence to prudent years of coordinated and promising development as will be experienced in Abia state under the watch of the maverick clergyman who has taken the burden upon himself to fight for the masses.

The ACCORD candidate for the 2023 gubernatorial race to the Lion House, Abia’s seat of power, has repeatedly sounded this warning through many radio programs, print media and endless electronic mean and through the cyberspace. He has always maintained that Abia is by no chance a cursed state, rather only lacked men with the simple political will of setting reasonable policies and pursuing them to it’s logical conclusion.
According to the Senior Pastor at Chapel of Faith International Bible Ministry, the 2023 contest should be issue based and only men with the requisite experiences should be allowed to preside over Abia State. He insisted that the contenders should be weighed by their track records as individuals, the question of antecedent should be paramount to determine where they are coming from and use that to visualize where they are going to or what to be expected of them.
Also read: Bishop Nwankpa Urges Contestants to Focus only on Matters that Will Improve Abia State
Bishop Nwankpa has also severally spoken against allowing career politicians to continue to feed on our collective pain as a people because when you set men that are practical unproductive to oversee the affairs of the people, they do all within their powers to grab enough for themselves first, at the end, the people will suffer the more because there will not be enough to take care of the people.
“I have studied this trend, I have seen that, among other things, it is one of the chronic diseases killing the state. That is why people like me has come forth to be used as instrument of liberation for the people to fight against the evil status quo.
“I have said it at different fora that I am not a politician, I am a preacher of the word of God, well established in the ministry and has through it, blessed and established many souls. I am a good manager of humans and scarce resources and God, in His infinite mercy blessed me with enough substance to be comfortable and also feed others. For almost two decades I’ve blessed thousands of widows, I have empowered many youths financially, materially and with several skills. I have hundreds of students under my scholarship from Primary level through to the University and scholarship abroad. If I have done all these as a private individual to support my state and help the needy, I am certain I will do much more when I have the opportunity to manage the recourses of the state.
“Suffice this to say that most of the people jostling to grab the state again has no track records, they are only seeking opportunity to help themselves. that is why I am insisting that Abians must ask the question of ” WHO ARE YOU BEFORE NOW?”.
The Foremost contender also insists that the people must fish out those people that has fed fat from the purse of Abia State and avoid them because they are only coming back to continue the loot, graduate from picking to gathering when they are given higher responsibility.