This page contains all the information you need to know about Maduka University located in Enugu state. You will get to see the school fees for each programs/courses, and accommodation fees. If you are interested in gaining admission into this prestigious private university in Nigeria, then this article is meant for you.

Maduka University Enugu Announces School Fees Structure
MADUKA UNIVERSITY Announces School Fees Structure for the 2023/2024 Academic Session
The school is located at Ekwegbe, Igbo-Etiti L.G.A, Enugu State. Along Enugu -Nsukka New Road. 30 minutes from Enugu Airport and 20 minutes from Nsukka.
Maduka University is pleased to release the school fees structure for the 2023/2024 academic session. As a reputable institution committed to providing quality education, we strive to offer competitive and affordable fees to ensure accessibility for all deserving students.
There is no Tuition fee on our fee schedule. We are giving free tuition to all our pioneering students.
School of Business and Social Sciences
Accounting – ₦338,000
Economics – ₦338,000
Mass Communication – ₦338,000
International Relations – ₦338,000
Transport Management – ₦338,000
School of Computing
Information Technology – ₦378,000
Computer Science – ₦378,000
Cybersecurity – ₦378,000
Software Engineering – ₦378,000
School of Engineering
Civil Engineering – ₦378,000
Electrical and Electronics Engineering – ₦378,000
Mechanical Engineering – ₦378,000
Mechatronics Engineering – ₦378,000
Computer Engineering – ₦378,000
School of Health Sciences
Physiotherapy – ₦378,000
Medical Laboratory Science – ₦378,000
Nursing Science – ₦588,000
Pharmacy – ₦588,000
School of Law
Law – ₦588,000
The school fees stated above are paid per session, that is yearly.
Maduka University also offers a Pre-Degree Program to facilitate the entry of prospective students who did not write the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB). The fees for the Pre-Degree Program are set at ₦300,000.
In addition to the approved fees, accommodation charges for the 2023/2024 academic session amount to ₦105,000 yearly.
We also have other types of Accommodation:
6/1 = N80,000,
4/1 = N105,000,
2/1 = N210,000,
1/1 = N400,000.
Maduka University remains committed to providing an enabling environment for students to excel academically and prepare for successful careers.
For further information regarding payment methods, or any other inquiries, please feel free to contact us at 08055091802 or 09157893107. You can also reach us via email at
Maduka University Website
You can visit our website at to Apply.
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We welcome prospective students to join Maduka University and embark on a journey of knowledge, growth, and achievement.